"The City of Las Vegas transitioned from Cardinal Tracking TickeTrak management software and Duncan AutoCite handhelds in July 2014. The transition from our legacy systems required extensive and complicated data conversion, and AIMS was able to both migrate 2 separate databases into their system but also to substantially improve the quality of our data, fixing many problems we had been dealing with for years prior to the conversion. AIMS is used for citation, special event and some permit management. We use the real time Mobile Ticketer app on Samsung Note 4 and Note 5 for enforcement. Citations are sent to our database as soon as they are printed and AIMS Mobile has real time data integration with our Parkeon pay-by-space meters. This enforcement app gives our officers the information they need in order to be most effective at their jobs. EDC also was able to customize integrations with our existing collections service bureau, lock box, DMV for registered owner look up and registration holds, and general ledger. We manage special events multiple times a week throughout the year and the AIMS Mobile Events app allows us to sell parking in real time collecting both cash and credit card payments.
The level of support we receive from EDC has been outstanding. Not only can we reach technicians when they are needed, they are very quick to resolve problems and offer solutions when ‘best practice’ questions are asked. EDC is also very accommodating when it comes to requests for product enhancements. One of the things we appreciate most about AIMS is that product updates and new release software are included with support. We are very happy and satisfied customers who certainly recommend AIMS for parking management software."